Dwarf Star?
Khurshid Ahmed asks, What does it mean when my best friend says I’m a dwarf star to him? Khurshid, Is your friend an astronomy buff? Dwarf stars are common, small, and not all that bright… Dwarf Star?
Khurshid Ahmed asks, What does it mean when my best friend says I’m a dwarf star to him? Khurshid, Is your friend an astronomy buff? Dwarf stars are common, small, and not all that bright… Dwarf Star?
Borvid asks: Is there a downside to not having a middle name? Dear Borvid, My wife has no middle name and it hasn’t been a problem for her, though I suppose when she was a… Is there a downside to not having a middle name?
Some Odd Stranger asks: What do you do if you put too much milk in cheese sauce? Dear Some, Since you can’t remove some of the milk, as I see it you have three choices:… What do you do if you put too much milk in cheese sauce?
Felicia the Space Hipster asks: If we always look up to the moon why do we look up at earth from the moon? Be nice now lol Felicia, Thanks for asking. We don’t always look… Why do we look up at the Earth from the Moon?
Sirius Mann of Someplace in Cleveland asks: I’m no good at recognizing faces, and when people tell me I look familiar, I tend to freeze up because there’s a pretty good chance we’ve met and… What can I say when people say I look familiar?
Trace Meadows of Pensacola, FL, writes to ask, I hear there’s someone threatening to conquer the planet with his army of turtles. Should I be concerned? The referenced item of news is this: Florida Man Threatens… Why we don’t need to fear Florida Man’s army of turtles
Susan Taitel of Minneapolis asks, Does anyone have a cat, owl, or preferably a snake I can borrow to scare off some mice? Also does anyone have a mongoose I can borrow to chase off… Getting Rid of Mice
Dear Tyler (writes Dan The Man Williamson III of Duluth MN), I recently inherited a time machine, and I’d like to use it to indulge my passion for novel gourmet cookery. I have access to a… Time travel cookbook
From Deep in the Heart of Texas, we got this question from “So Frustrated”: I have 2 pilot lights after replacing the thermopile assembly. I know there is only suppose to be one small blue… Two pilot lights are better than one