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Cover -- The Goodnight Agency
Cover - The Long Goodnight

The Goodnight Agency series

When Ruby is forced to live with her oddball Uncle Simon, she can tell at once that something’s weird. She soon learns his secretive agency has a bizarre clientele — tabloid creatures that make her seem normal by comparison.

Soon she’s helping clients — and when disaster comes, it’s on her and her new friends (some of them human) to save the day, preserve this strange community’s secrets, and prevent a war.

But nothing is ever finished when you think it’s finished. Seems like every solution just creates a new problem.

Rey and the Magic Amulet

Cover: Rey and the Magic Amulet

Published under a different name since it’s intended for younger readers. Rey has to visit various real places in Minneapolis to return an amulet to a wizard, but the wizard is hard to find!

The Deep End

Cover: The Deep End

Someone in Marlee’s scheming family is out to get her–but who? To keep her head above water in this shark tank while figuring it out, she must keep them all from suspecting that she has no memory of them, or of this world. Meanwhile she needs to solve a murder mystery in which she’s possibly (let’s face it—probably) the murderer, and escape the rebels who want to execute her.

She has issues of identity to deal with. Her new body is round, brown, lesbian, and evil, none of which she’s happy about. If she’s forced to kill one more person, she might just give up in despair. She’s trying to be good, but nobody’s making it easy.

Fortunately, her maid will help keep the secret, for a price, and unless she gets a better offer. With any luck, and maybe a little help from the gods, Marlee might figure out how to get home before her own plots come crashing down around her.

Speculative Valentine Drabbles 2015
Speculative Valentine Drabbles 2015

A Drabble of the Heart

A very short story of mine appears in this collection of strange little romances, available for Kindle.

The Cowrie

When a big-game hunter becomes the hunted, little things — like a seashell in a child’s ear — can make a big difference. A short story published as a stand-alone ebook. Previously appeared in Stupefying Stories.


“Star of Vengeance” (free)

Not a read, but a listen. Free, ten short radio episodes scripted by Tyler (under a different name). Search the page for “vengeance”.


Horace’s magic trick goes so, so wrong when he follows instructions without first reading to the end. Will Muffin, aka Princess Mystery Moon Starfire, ever be the same again? Don’t try this at home. Your cat will thank you. Well, no it won’t; cats don’t, do they? But if they did, this would be the sort of thing they would thank you for. Out of print, but listen free to the audio version, recorded by the author.

Out of print

Doctor Dead - cover
A steampunk adventure set in 1904 San Francisco.

Doctor Dead: A Drew Family Adventure

San Francisco, 1904: Thirteen-year-old Percival Drew expected to spend the summer doing little more than tinkering with those new-fangled gasoline-powered motorcars. But that was before an insane scientist took an unhealthy interest in his cousin Quincey’s very rare blood type… Before people began vanishing from the streets, to reappear as the mad doctor’s undead minions… Before the villain’s infernal devices gave him the ability to strike at will, destroying all who opposed him! With chaos descending on San Francisco, only two boys know the secret to defeating the undead doctor. But can they act in time?

(Out of print, but I still have copies to sell.)

Cover art
Spooky Halloween Drabbles 2014

Spooky Halloween Drabbles 2014

Two very short tales of terror — well all right, anxiety — along with about a hundred others by many other authors in this Kindle edition.
