How do I talk to royalty?
To get a king or queen’s attention, you should say, “Your royal highness.” Do not say “Hey you there!” or “Queenie.” You may use their first name if you happen to know it (e.g. “Elizabeth”).… How do I talk to royalty?
To get a king or queen’s attention, you should say, “Your royal highness.” Do not say “Hey you there!” or “Queenie.” You may use their first name if you happen to know it (e.g. “Elizabeth”).… How do I talk to royalty?
“Off with her head!” Wow, that gets the blood racing, doesn’t it? Well, relax. Kings and queens no longer have the authority to have people beheaded. They only do this to let off steam, or… What should I do if a monarch orders me beheaded?
Most people are unlikely to encounter any kings, queens, princes or princesses close up. However, just in case, here is what you need to know. Upon sighting a member of a royal family, give the… How should I salute a royal person?
At the beginning of the story, Cinderella is a maiden. She’s young, unmarried, and female; those are the basic requirements (some people might propose an additional rule, but I think it’s clear she meets that… Is Cinderella a maiden?