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Choosing a Seat in a Canoe

Fred Ergot, age 10, of Mitchell, Oregon, asks: At camp, we have two-person canoes. Is it better to get the front seat or the back seat? (more)


Making an Artesian Well Work Better

An anonymous reader asks: “I’ve got an artesian well on my property and the water pressure is lousy. Any suggestions?”
Chances are the well is depressed. (More)


If You Meet an Angry Robot During Your Dive

The undersea world is full of wonders. But one thing you don’t see every day, even underwater, is a large, grabby, crabby mechanical man. What should you do if you encounter one? (MORE..)


How to Protect Your Food From Animals when Camping

Earlier, I discussed techniques for obtaining food in the wild. … [But] animals have little regard for private property and will gladly eat whatever looks tasty, with no consideration for the amount of work it took you to extort it from another camper. (more)


How Long Can an Elephant Stand After It Dies?

…I thought they might actually mean, “How long can you stand an elephant after it dies?” But on consulting prominent elephysiologists, I learned that elephant post-mortem standing is in fact a matter of some controversy in the field…. (MORE)
