A shot against bad joke telling
Deb Pepe asks: Is there a shot for bad joke telling? Deb, I assume you mean a shot to prevent this scourge. Chloral hydrate will shut them up (or, if you take it, will prevent… A shot against bad joke telling
Deb Pepe asks: Is there a shot for bad joke telling? Deb, I assume you mean a shot to prevent this scourge. Chloral hydrate will shut them up (or, if you take it, will prevent… A shot against bad joke telling
Following up to my previous post, which discusses what kinds of fruit might be suitable for people to live in, I will now address Rebecca’s comment about the possibility of using giant walnut shells, which… Walnuts As Housing
Nicholas Kim, age 13, asks: Is living inside of pineapples true? Spongebob, a typical childrens show. Well, why cant humans do the same! Its much simpler than building a house, you only need to find a way to make huge pineapples, but in the end it would save the world a lot of resources and money.
Wesley Deever of Mount Horeb WI, (former) site of the famous mustard museum, asks: Is it safe to canoe near elephants? If you exercise reasonable caution, these gentle giants can actually enhance your canoeing experience.… Canoeing with Elephants