Another test posting
Here’s some text. Picture of stuff. This is the stuff. More stuff. More stuff. More stuff. More stuff. More stuff. More stuff. More stuff. More stuff. More stuff. More stuff. More stuff. More stuff. More… Another test posting
Here’s some text. Picture of stuff. This is the stuff. More stuff. More stuff. More stuff. More stuff. More stuff. More stuff. More stuff. More stuff. More stuff. More stuff. More stuff. More stuff. More… Another test posting
Trace Meadows of Pensacola, FL, writes to ask, I hear there’s someone threatening to conquer the planet with his army of turtles. Should I be concerned? The referenced item of news is this: Florida Man Threatens… Why we don’t need to fear Florida Man’s army of turtles
When I commented in a Facebook thread recently that the new Netflix production, The Wandering Earth, was beautiful but oh so stupid, someone responded, why do you think this? The physics was sounder than 75%… The Blundering Earth
The problem with raster graphics (such as your typical JPG, GIF, or PNG file) is that they don’t scale up very well. They get fuzzy if you zoom in on them. However, browsers are also… SVG file in a web page
These are barely organized, and will soon be integrated into my resources page (see menu). Education Print Run Podcast Writing Excuses podcast Audio Drama Production podcast Research Ask Science Subreddit Loudmouth Science on Facebook Velocity… Notes from the Tools for Writers panel at Convergence
Along with a select (i.e. self-selected) group of other writers and artists, I’m engaged in a Project. A Subversive Project. Involving Fairies. It will see print long before any of my books in the queue… Fairies, subverted
Incendiary Todd of the Funk writes, Is the ST:TNG episode “Darmok” genius or what? Can’t decide. “What.” To recap, the episode involves a spacefaring species, the Tamarians, that nobody can manage to talk with because (as… Is the ST:TNG Episode “Darmok” Genius or What?
Many people are confused by the distinction between categories and tags in their WordPress blog. They sort of do the same thing, right? Think of categories as the table of contents of your blog, while… On the Difference between Categories and Tags
Susan Taitel of Minneapolis asks, Does anyone have a cat, owl, or preferably a snake I can borrow to scare off some mice? Also does anyone have a mongoose I can borrow to chase off… Getting Rid of Mice