Dead Elephants Are a Hotter Topic than You Might Guess
A while back I answered someone’s question about whether elephants could stand after death. Well, I didn’t exactly answer it but you know. As it turns out, this is a topic of apparently greater general… Dead Elephants Are a Hotter Topic than You Might Guess
The 12% Solution
Al Benbow of Ketchum, Idaho writes: I’ve been trying to figure out what the patent they’re talking about on the label that says that my pork chops may contain up to 12% of a patented… The 12% Solution
Legal Recourse (a Halloween story)
Mr. Edgar Mallory woke at noon, hours before he’d intended to rise. It was that damned dog again. He stumped over to the window and scowled down into the neighbors’ yard, and picked up the… Legal Recourse (a Halloween story)